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Modern history with an admixture of ancient history.

Today (I wrote this text on the 26th of December, 2022), I will write my own modern history with an admixture of ancient history.

Adam Mazek Photography 2022. Warsaw Street Photography. Post: "Modern history with an admixture of ancient history." Minimalism.

In my story, many things from such diverse branches as biology, economy, and religion will be braced, explained, and somehow unified. Here’s the modern history:

After the Second World War, the United States of America had tremendous economic growth during the ’50s and ’60. Mass consumerism, money earning, and spending drove American capitalism, the market, and the economy, including buying and eating many things. Since the ’70s, the American organization connected with food recommended eating more frequently. Earlier, many Americans ate three meals, often from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Why does this organization recommend eating more and more regularly? I believe it was connected only with the economy and to sustain the American dream for people living there.

Still, the truth is that there was also a side effect of these things.

From the ’70s, there was a boom not only in broadly defined production and mass consumerism but also in the numbers of the so-called civilization diseases. Speaking shortly, more and more people started to have illnesses. Who gained on all this stuff? The government, Big Food companies, and pharmaceutical companies. Their businesses are highly prosperous even today. But where is the place for religion in all these issues? The religious motif is connected with fasting. For example, one should fast yearly for about forty days in a row in Catholicism.

Still, I do not believe God recommended fasting for people. I think it was intelligent people who observed that, for example, gluttony and laziness make a horrible impact on each of us.

On the other hand, while fasting, tremendous things happen. Speaking shortly, my Dear Friend, I presented you with my interpretation of modern history with an admixture of ancient history. For me, all things mentioned above make sense. If you do not believe, start intermittent fasting. I recommend Dr. Jason Fung’s book (for more information, click here).

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