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New technologies.

Art should not be afraid of new technologies.

Adam Mazek Photography 2021. Warsaw Street Photography. Post: "New technologies." Minimalism.

Did analog photography do away with painting? Did cinematography kill photography? Has digital photography supplanted analog photography? Did the Internet destroy television? Radio has also not threatened any forms of expression, as mentioned earlier. What’s more, listening to the radio also continues to be popular. I am convinced that the inventions of the future will not threaten the designs of the past but will only add color to the art world. Are I afraid of smartphones? Do I consider photographers who take pictures on smartphones as my competitors? No. I feel all other artists, with street photographers at the front, as playmates with whom I play in the playground.

After all, creating, whether with new technologies or not, is fun.

Each of us has a unique story and a vision to tell and present. Do I plan to speak aloud about my personal narrative using new technologies? I believe I am already doing it. After all, I live in the early Internet era (I wrote this text on the 13th of April, 2023). Undoubtedly, taking digital photos and blogging are some of the most advanced technologies to create art in the third decade of the 21st century. I am not saying there are not more advanced and modern technologies to develop. Still, there are many more that appeared in earlier centuries, with paintings, drawings, and sculpting at the forefront.

While writing about all these things, I realized I crisscrossed over technologies in self-expressing.

After all, writing is one of the oldest ways to express oneself. I write, take digital photos on Warsaw’s streets, manage a blog, and create subsequent “Diaries'” editions and sets of pictures like “Negation Of The End” or “Big Brother.” What are your insights, my Dear Friend, regarding using new technologies to express your feelings and tell your story?

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