I trust myself and my intuition. I have no doubts that nobody knows what’s going on. Thus, I reject authorities.
The older I am, the more I feel that my life’s aim is to struggle with obstacles. On the micro scale, I do it by exposing the body to cold and doing intermittent fasting. I do not seek conveniences in my life. Is overcoming the obstacles only my life’s purpose? Undoubtedly, all peoples’ aim of existence is to overcome difficulties. Still, I believe that striving for broadly defined pleasures is a road to nowhere. Welfare kills people slowly. I do not eat sweets and other cakes anymore. I avoid processed food as much as possible. The same issue is with drinking alcohol.
Moreover, I expose my body to coldness at least once daily.
During fall and winter time, I do it even more frequently. I do not seek convenience. When I see people’s vacation photographs from Greece, Seychelles, and other “hot” countries, I am happy that my skin does not burn too much in the hot sun. Does that all mean that I know life’s sense and what’s going on? No. I am not an exception. No one ever knew why we appeared on this planet.
Moreover, we would never understand the fundamental laws that govern the whole Universe.
Hundreds of new questions arise with each step forward and solve the problem. I do not doubt that human civilization’s learning journey is neverending. Paradoxically, the more we learn, the more questions, doubts, and mysteries arise. Did Jesus Christ, Buddha, or Mahomet know something more than their contemporaries? I do not think so. I do not believe it. The truth is that I believe they tried to figure out what’s going on in all people’s lives, but they simply failed. That’s why I reject such authorities. I do not trust people dressed in cassocks who pray to their God. I believe that their main aim is to possess control over as many people as possible. Priests also do not know what’s happening here on planet Earth. They will never give us the ultimate answer and truth. I believe in Adam Mazek and everything that I do here and now.
I wrote this text on the 2nd of June, 2022.