In general, nothing happens in my life.
Still, paradoxically, I feel that my life is fabulous and worth describing. Even if seemingly nothing happens in my life, I know that I live in 100%. Why? First of all, I have beloved people, with Kamilka and my parents at the forefront, with whom I love to spend leisure time. Moreover, I have great friends and passion. You can find the essence of my hobby on the website. Since I started doing intermittent fasting (December 2020), taking cold showers (April 2021), and exposing my body to cold by walking in summer clothes in frigid temperatures (September 2021), I feel that my health, mood, and well-being have much improved. I work as an accountant, and I am content with this job. I would say that I am an average person whose existence is similar to millions of others livings in the third decade of the XXI century.
Still, the truth is that the more I see that nothing crucial happens in my life, the more I feel and notice that every day is happening many magnificent things in my mind, heart, and soul.
Undoubtedly, life hacks like intermittent fasting and cold showers improved to being sharp not only in my body but also in my mind. Before these two activities, I did not know I could sleep better. I would not say that I was sleeping poorly. Still, the truth is that life hacks improved my existence. I’ve got the power to move mountains. Even if nothing happens in my life, I feel that every day I have new ideas for writing posts and my whole life.
Moreover, I feel that each photo walk is an event where many things go around, even if walks are usual.
Many positive things have happened since I hacked my life. I wish you, my Dear Friend, to find your excellent way of life, even if your life is seemingly mundane. I recommend starting with intermittent fasting and cold showers.
I wrote this text on the 23rd of February, 2022.