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Observe photographically.

I do not observe my surroundings photographically only when I analyze Excel files.

Is that mean that I do not think creatively while working on Excel files? No. When I have to prepare an Excel file, I try to imagine what another person wants to see in this file. Thus, I try to prepare it to be readable and clear. I believe that thanks to designing “Diaries,” my sense of creating files to be read on the screen much improved. Leaving Excel files, I must admit that I probably always observe my surroundings photographically. I often see frames that I could capture with my camera. Moreover, I usually try to imagine how I would do that. Is that mean that I often do not have a camera beside me? Contrary. Usually, I have a camera beside me. Still, I do not use it every time because probably I would get crazy if I did it.

In this post, I want to encourage you, my Dear Friend, to start observing everything that happens around you via your creative, photographic inner eye.

I believe that watching the world through the prism of an imagined camera lens placed in one’s mind is an exercise we can do practically all the time (except during analyzing Excel files). Is that mean that I practice this exercise consciously? I do not think so. What I know is that photographic frames are entering my eyes almost every time. I believe that it is one of the reasons why I take photographs of, e.g., garbage. The truth is that I can sometimes spot in, e.g., old rags, some familiar contours, shapes, or visually balanced pictures. I walk, and I see many frames, even if I wander the same street thousands of times.

Observe photographically, my Dear Friend.

Start to visually analyze the world as it would be one tremendous masterpiece. Who created such divine work? Was it chaos, accident, or God? It is the theme for many other posts. Still, I am convinced that we will never know the whole truth about ourselves, our planet, and the Universe.

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