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One month of publishing one post daily.

It’s been one month of publishing one post daily. I wrote the current text on the 14th of October, 2022.

Adam Mazek Photography 2023. Warsaw Street Photography. Post: "One month of publishing one post daily." Minimalism.

It was a day when I realized that four days earlier, one month had passed since I published one post daily. Do I plan to change something in this case? No. For today, I still want to continue publishing one post daily. Before I started doing it, I did not know it could be difficult for me. After all, I still have more than one hundred and fifty posts scheduled. The same situation was more than a month ago. Still, publishing one post daily is challenging because I must log in to my blog daily. Did statistics improve since I started publishing one post daily?

Yes, they did. I have many more visits from people using the Google search engine.

That’s it. Undoubtedly, I have more joy in managing my website. The fact that I log in to my blog daily is not only an effort for me. Without childish pleasure, I would not do everything you see on the website. While writing all these things, I started to wonder how many days I would be able to publish one post daily. Until the end of my life? I do not know. I will do my best to do it. Still, I know there can be days or periods when I will not do this.

I would not be mad or sad that I won’t accomplish it as I planned today. I still feel amazed by all the creative powers I have. Thanks to these powers, I can work 8 hours, write a text and publish new posts daily for a month. Of course, in the meantime, I spend my time with my beloved Kamilka, and I do street photography quite frequently.

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