Last time I was thinking about one of the most underrated activities. About which action do I exactly think?
For me, the most underrated activity is walking. In one of my previous posts, I mentioned two injuries I had in 2011 and 2016. While being injured, I could not walk. During those days, I imagined and analyzed how disabled people who could not walk functioned daily. Also, I was thinking of how healthy people who use their legs daily do not appreciate this simple activity. The fact is that people who can walk do not think much about it. They believe that this movement is as usual as the sun is shining. Unfortunately, they are wrong.
No one from us received a promise that we could walk until the end of our life.
Sadly, most of us start to appreciate something only when we lose it.
The mentioned-above statement can be linked with one of the most underrated activities, walking and many other things.
I also believe that walking is an underrated activity when we think about working out. Today, many exercises can improve our health status. These include swimming, running, bodybuilding, stretching, yoga, exercising, dancing, or playing football. When we talk with fitness coaches, they will provide you with many ideas concerning reducing fat. They do not mention walking often.
I started to appreciate walking during my injury time, especially while taking pictures. For today, walking and taking photographs are among the most exciting things I ever did.
And what about you, my Dear Friend? What is the most underrated activity for you?
John Schlesinger presented one of the most astonishing motifs of walking in his movie “Midnight Cowboy.” I will not provide you with details, my Dear Friend. I suggest watching the film.