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One year on Instagram

Yesterday (8th of September 2019) was my first anniversary of working with Instagram. I’ve been on this social media platform for one year.

What does it mean that I am one year on Instagram? It means I want to focus more on my web page and “Diaries” and less on a popular social media platform. Instant gratification and receiving Instagram likes is not the goal of my artistic activity. The greatest successes will come in the long run — the biggest, probably after my death.

As I said, I have been running an Instagram account for one year. During this time, every day, I uploaded at least one photo creating triplets.

I am slowing down the Instagram pace today. I want to focus on the website and writing “Diaries.” Managing Instagram accounts is fun but not as entertaining as working on the website or creating a new e-book, like “Diaries.” Also, because I already started to prepare my e-book, “Diaries,” automatically, I have less time for other things. Thus, I will pay less attention to Instagram. What does it mean? Do I plan to remove my account? No. I will be publishing much less stuff there. I no longer want to post at least one picture a day.

Moreover, I do not wish to have any plans regarding my Instagram account. Speaking shortly: I will do it if I decide to publish something there. If not, I will not overthink that.

If you want to slow down publishing photographs on your Instagram account, maybe that means you do not have too many images to present.

Undoubtedly you can ask, my Dear Friend. Believe me that I have tonnes of pictures to be published. For example, I still did not present any square format photograph on Instagram.

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