Photography constantly amazes me because reality amazes me as well.
I wrote this text on the 10th of February, 2024. It was a day when I did street photography while it was relatively warm (7 degrees Celsius [44.6 degrees Fahrenheit]). Of course, I was walking wearing summer clothes, including the t-shirt. I was walking in my beloved Mokotow district. While strolling, I started to wonder how it is possible that a photograph constantly amazes me. The conclusion was one: it is the world, the pure, raw reality that surprised me from the very beginning of my life (I was born on the 29th of March, 1985) until today. I always try to treat each new day as if it were the first day of my life.
I know it is cliche. Still, it is true. Also, I try to get a broader perspective on my life.
Even in a lousy mood, I always try to remind myself that happiness is a choice. External circumstances should not influence my mood. How happy I am, I do not need external things like luxuries, fancy cars, or exotic trips to feel alive while being happy. What I need (besides the love of my Kamilka, parents, and the whole family) is a pair of comfortable sneakers, a camera, and the energy to walk to see the mundane reality that will undoubtedly amaze me until my death. As a primary notion, street photography and reality are neverending sources of inspiration.
For me, walking among usual neighborhoods is a remarkable experience. The more I do it, the more I desire to do it. Is it an addiction? I believe it is. Still, it is probably one of the most incredible addictions humans can experience. I believe it is because it is connected with walking, creating (creating pictures, to be more precise), and contemplating (or not thinking about anything, just being grateful for the possibility of living here and now).