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I am inspired to write this post because I had thoughts while walking down Aleje Ujazdowskie Street last time. Aleje Ujazdowskie Street is a place where there is a monument of the First Marshal of Poland, Jozef Pilsudski.

While strolling, I reminded myself of Jaroslaw Kaczynski, former Polish Prime Minister, who, de facto, is ruling today’s Poland. Kaczynski undoubtedly is the one who wants to become a Statesman of Poland. Pilsudski is the one who inspired him. Pilsudski protected Poland from a substantial Soviet danger in 1920 during a so-called “Miracle at the Vistula.”

Today Kaczynski also wants to protect Poland from external danger (mainly Putin’s Russia).

I, Adam Mazek, do not want to become another Pilsudski or Kaczynski. What I want is to become another Chopin. I want to praise the name of Poland and Warsaw worldwide. Is that mean that I want to be famous? Speaking shortly: becoming famous is not my aim. The aim is to popularize Warsaw and Poland as much as possible. I want to praise the name of Poland through art to the whole world.

I think it was lucky for Poles that we had someone like the First Marshal of Poland, Jozef Pilsudski. He truly saved Poland, and probably other Western countries, from the invasion of communism in the early ’20 of the XX century. Is Kaczynski someone who will repeat the achievement of Pilsudski? I do not know. The future will bring an answer. Do I hope to become an icon for Warsaw in the same way as Chopin did? No. There was only one remarkable musician artist like Chopin.

Nevertheless, I will try to popularize Warsaw and Poland as Chopin did.

I hope that in the future, there will be trips from, e.g., Japan, with the people who will want to take a walk on the same streets as Adam Mazek did. Did I get crazy? It is possible. But, I am very, very ambitious regarding my artistic passion. Will I fulfill my dreams? Posterity will judge all my doings. In the same way, as we already did with Pilsudski and Chopin.

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