Last time, during one of my strolls through Warsaw streets, I wondered about playing with death. One idea came to my mind.
I got to know one way how I can play with death. I mentioned in my previous posts that I often contemplate life-death relations during my photo walkings through the streets of Warsaw. Also, I wrote a lot of times that I made photographs, composed texts, and prepared new posts upfront, long before they all were published. Indeed it is playing with time. But now I see that it is also playing with death. Why? Here is the answer.
My dream is to prepare and schedule as many posts as possible, preferably years ahead and forward.
It is probably the only way I can play with death. I want my posts to be published on my site even after my death. Thus, one of my artistic dreams, strictly connected with this website, is to schedule thousands of posts ahead. We do not know when we will die. Thus, I hope that some of the scheduled posts will still be published, even after my life ends.
It will be a kind of voice coming from another world.
Often, while writing a post, I wonder if this particular post will be the last one. If not, maybe it will be scheduled by me but published already after my death. Or, perhaps the position I am writing about now will never be posted by me and will be released years after my death?
And you, my Dear Friend, what plans do you possess regarding your website and artistic activity? Is it connected with playing with death or maybe earning money? I encourage you to focus on creating art simply. Undoubtedly, it will make you happier during your lifetime.