Practically all people find pleasure in eating. However, the real achievement is to find happiness in not eating, in skipping meals.
I wrote this post on the 12th of April, 2021. It’s been more than three months since I started intermittent fasting. I began to fast after Christmas 2020. Since that, I’ve been eating only between 7 p.m. – 12 p.m. During that period, I rarely ate between 11 p.m. – 12 p.m. Thus, in practice, I eat only between 19 p.m. – 11 p.m. I have four hours per day when I eat. Is that mean that I do not like consuming food? Do I not find pleasure in eating? Do I like this way of living?
The truth is that I love eating, like practically all other people. Indeed, I do not know any healthy human who would say that eating does not bring joy to him.
I am not an exception in this case. Since the very beginning of my existence, I remember that I love eating so much that I often ate too many meals. Nowadays, many people have a similar problem. We all love food too much. Thus, I believe that the real key to becoming healthy as much as possible is to find pleasure in skipping meals. Since I do intermittent fasting, I noticed that skipping meals provides me difficult to explain the joy of being free, light, and healthy. Of course, I know that intermittent fasting won’t guarantee me the existence of more than one hundred years. Still, I believe that I increase my chance to live longer with proper health by skipping meals.
A kind of euphoria appears in my mind and soul when I feel when I did not eat for twenty hours.
I recommend you, my Dear Friend, to try intermittent fasting. You will be surprised when you find that fasting provides the same joy as eating delicious food. Moreover, you will start to see more pleasure in eating. Why? Because if some pleasure things occur rarely, you appreciate them more.