Today (I wrote this text on the 11th of December, 2023), I won’t describe my problems. I do not see any reason to do it (for today).
The truth is that problems have hounded human civilization from the early history of humanity, including how to warm up near fire, survive and not get eaten by carnivores, hunt wild animals for meat, etc. The same is true with each individual: we all confront troubles from the beginning of our conscious lives. Everyone faces various issues daily. I won’t believe that there are people without any concerns. With each problem solved, more situations may arise. I don’t like the corporate jargon that suggests not calling problems problems. Nevertheless, crises and their synonyms will accompany humanity to its end on a micro (money issues, love crises, existential difficulties, etc.) and macro (wars, disasters, economic crises, etc.) scale, whether we like it or not. In today’s post, I don’t want to encourage you to say to yourself,
Okay, since there are problems, I will have a drink because I can’t escape them anyway.
No. I want to inspire you to face troubles and their associated challenges and simply accept them like we accept that the Sun shines. Facing problems is an inseparable part of human nature and destiny. Life is about overcoming obstacle after obstacle. Throughout many years of my conscious mind, I had many troubles. I’ve always imagined my life would be easy once I solved one problem. It never happened.
After a short period of euphoria after solving one issue, new problems arise, and the whole cycle begins from the beginning. Today, at 38 years old, I do not doubt there are many crises ahead of me and all my loved ones, with Kamilka and my parents at the forefront. Still, I keep faith not only in myself and my close ones but also in humanity. I hope we all face problems gracefully and with dignity, knowing that our resilience is our greatest strength.