Today I will write of how I am rediscovering myself practically every month.
Always when I prepare “Diaries,” I return to my thoughts written years ago. Usually, I am delighted with the way I put a given topic or how I put it in words. It is a moment when I aim rediscovering myself. Why do I do it every month? Because usually, it takes me one month to prepare a subsequent edition of “Diaries.” Sometimes I prepare even two editions of “Diaries” within a month, but there is no rule regarding this issue.
Of course, I already wrote that it is impossible to transform thoughts into written and spelled words with 100% efficiency. There is no way to describe all feelings that come up in peoples’ minds. Still, I am often astonished at how I transformed my many thoughts into words written as blog posts. When I read my posts written in the past, I am merely amazed at how I did it, at how I could write this particular text. Undoubtedly, I made it thanks to the power of my mind.
Do I want to give you, my Dear Friend, a concrete example of such a post when I rediscovered myself while preparing “Diaries?”
No. Why? Because practically in each subsequent edition of “Diaries,” there are examples of magnificent content. I am not humble today (I wrote this post on the 4th of September, 2021). Of course, some texts are not spectacular. Some topics do not provide me thoughts that I am rediscovering myself. Still, for me, these writings are in the minority. I wonder how I will be reading my posts written in, e.g., 2019, when I will be seventy years old in 2055. What will be my thoughts, then? Luckily, I do not know what the future holds. I only hope to be rediscovering myself until I am one hundred years old (it will be 2085).