Last time I had some thoughts regarding the rediscovering of oneself. The fact is that that I do it quite often.
Every time I am adding a new post to my site, I feel that I am rediscovering myself again. This applies to both previously written text and prior taken photographs. Both contents per page and photo were written, taken months earlier. Every time I schedule a new post, I never know what text from the past and picture I will upload to the site today. It is a moment when I feel a pure excitement of what things, created from the past, will appear in front of my eyes, this time.
Best of all, that I’m launching something on a given day doesn’t mean that it will be published on the same day.
I possess posts prepared four months earlier, in reserve. For example, I wrote this post on the twelfth of November 2019. Then, I uploaded the text and photographs to my website on the 23rd of January 2020. I scheduled it to be published on the May 13th 2020. There is a high possibility that it will be released a little bit later.
Did I write that managing this blog is a play with time, for me? Yes, I already did it.
Today I want to add that every time I am searching for new-old things to be published, I am almost all the time amazed by my written prior texts and photographs. I wonder whether other people possess the same fun. If no, I truly recommend to you, my Dear Friend, find such a way so that you will be able to rediscover yourself. When you do this, maybe new inspirations and ideas will come to your mind, to write new things. In my case, it happened many times before. Are there any requirements to be able to rediscover oneself? Hard-working is, undoubtedly, essential to do it. But, without having pure fun, there would not be any posts and photographs on web site.