I want to encourage you, my Dear Friend, to respect your body and treat it carefully.
We all know the proverb: You are what you eat. Today (I wrote this text on the 4th of July, 2022), many of us would say it is a cliche. Still, in banality, we will find much wisdom. If you eat too frequently and do not pay too much attention to what you eat, you do not respect your body correctly. I did not feel it until I began doing intermittent fasting. Now I feel that eating even the most minor portion of food tremendously impacts human organisms. Respect your body, my Dear Friend, by stressing it skillfully.
How can we do it? Doing intermittent fasting, not eating, is the first thing. Two others are:
- Doing workouts;
- Exposing the body to frigid temperatures (I recommend starting with cold showers).
People seek convenience in their lives. I am not an exception. The truth is that I love lying on the couch, hugging my beloved Kamilka, and stroking our little cat, Azorek. I love doing nothing – that’s true. I am only a human. Relaxation is as crucial as hard-working (or even more). Still, without stressing body, mind, and soul by doing the activities listed above, there won’t be progress in one’s life. It is a moment when humans rest on their laurels and start getting lazy. If you want to power up yourself and speed up, take a cold shower, my Dear Friend.
Nothing would wake you up better than cold.
You will start feeling better in the short and long term. I have taken cold showers for one year and three months, and I am convinced I will do it until my life’s end. The same is with intermittent fasting. Eat your first meal at 7 p.m. and focus on eggs, meat, vegetables, and nuts. Believe me. You do not need bread, rice, and tonnes of processed shitty food with sweets at the forefront to feel good. Â