One of my dreams is to become a role model for young, future generations.
I would like my work to be a reference point for future generations. Let them comment on all my works and results, quote my texts, argue with me, mess with me, discuss me. I hope that my thoughts will evolve in the minds of future generations. I hope to be a role model for them in terms of creating. Is that mean that I aim to become an influencer? No. I see an influencer as someone who influences contemporaries. I aim to become a role model for future generations. Is that mean that I am perfect? Do I want to say that I do not have disadvantages? Of course, not. I am only human. I have many dark sides and shades of my character and soul. Undoubtedly, every human possesses one’s dark part of the soul.
Still, the truth is that I believe in youth. I believe that I will enrich youth’s minds and their imaginations. I hope that they will get from me the best things, not the worst ones.
It would be nice to show young people that they also can create here and now, without waiting for anything.
Only their own imagination limits them from making so many potentially great things. I do not want to be an example for young people of how you can squander your talent, e.g., by standing in front of the liquor shop every day and drinking alcohol excessively. When I was young, I was afraid that I would squander my talent and whole life and that I would sink my dreams in alcohol. Today, when I am 36 years old (I wrote this text on the 23rd of September, 2021), I know that I won’t sink in alcohol and other shitty drugs. I hope that future generations will take incentives from me in a similar way as I took from other artists and geniuses who had already passed away.