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Without self-discipline, I would not write one text daily and take thousands of pictures yearly.

Adam Mazek Photography 2019. Warsaw Street Photography. Post: "Self-discipline." Minimalism. Selfie.

The older I am, the more I see self-discipline as the key to broadly defined success in professional life and passion. I exist to create. I know it because I feel it. Still, I know it is pretty easy to rest on laurels. Indeed, most humans possess everything to stop doing something, to stop making an effort, to stop going out of their comfort zone, and to start to rest on their laurels. I want to be a tough guy! Not in a sense like Batman, that I will go out of my house and kick some bad assess. What I want is to do street photography, write new texts and run this blog. Without self-discipline, it would be difficult to do it. In discipline and consistency, I trust!

Even when I return from my office work and photo-walk in the evening, my self-discipline tells me I should write something.

I often do not take a nap to have time to write down some thoughts. I am motivated to express myself by photographing Warsaw’s streets and writing my ideas. I do not have time to do sports. Moreover, I have a small amount of time for friends. Passion probably took over my life. For many months I feel that I make a lot of effort to do many things simultaneously. It is because I changed my job. To make my life harder, in the meantime, I decided to publish one post daily. Sometimes I wonder whether I got crazy by doing it. Perhaps, I did. For today, I want to continue this activity because I do not see any reasons I should stop. After all, my self-discipline is on the highest (personal) level, and the more I do it, the more I want to continue.

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