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Should I take a break from writing?

It was the 1st of December, 2021. On this day, I started to wonder if I should take a break from writing.

Why did I start to think about it? It is because I did not know what I wanted to write. Moreover, I knew I had been continually writing since our return from Riga at the beginning of July 2021. The truth is that within this period (07-11.2021), I was writing one text daily. Undoubtedly, as for the 1st of December, 2021, it was my personal record. I’d never been so literary prolific. That’s why I started to wonder if I should take a break from writing. Perhaps, the fact that I did not know what to write was a piece of evidence that I should take a break. While analyzing all these things, I decided that I would start to write them down on a virtual paper. That’s how this text appeared, literally out of nothing.

The truth is that I have had many similar cases in the past.

I believe that it is a normal thing that bloggers or writers sometimes lack creative inventions. Moreover, I must admit that I do not always have an astute mind and surroundings perception. Thus, I know that I have worse days regarding doing street photography. We’re all human. We cannot be perfect. I do not doubt that we all have many weaknesses, even if we try to overcome or hide there. It is merely human nature. That’s why after a short analysis of all these issues, I want to state that I won’t take any break from writing. I dream of writing one text daily until my death. I know that it will be hard to fulfill this dream, but I do not have any reasons why I should stop writing. It is a similar case with taking photos. The more I do it, the more I desire to do it.

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