Sometimes, a simple change in the weather is enough to revive not only the world but ourselves.
In one of my previous posts, I wrote about the first storm that happened in Warsaw in 2024. Today (I wrote this text on the 18th of March, 2024), snow was falling in the capital of Poland, and temperatures were a little below zero degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit). Before the storm, it was warm, and the sun was shining (14 degrees Celsius [57.2 degrees Fahrenheit]). Why do I write about all these things? It is because I feel many feelings appearing in my mind, body, and soul throughout the last few days. Undoubtedly, it was because of the simple change not only in weather but also in my mind, heart, and soul. I feel refreshed, revived, and new.
Spring is knocking in my soul more and more concretely.
Do all these things mean I had fluctuating mood levels? No. I feel since I started doing intermittent fasting (Christmas 2020) and exposing my body to cold (by taking cold showers [April 2021] and exposing my body to freezing temperatures [Fall/Winter season 2021/2022]), my mood level has stabilized. It does not mean I do not have lousy moods or euphoric states of mind. I still have both. Nevertheless, I feel that my mood has been on the proper, standard level for almost one and a half years, without too many unnecessary fluctuations that can disturb one’s life.
How happy I am that spring is slowly coming to Poland.
Before it happens, Warsaw would have freezing temperatures (per the weather forecast). It means I will be able to say goodbye to winter by exposing my body to cold by walking in summer clothes. As usual, most of the people will be staring at me with disbelief. Do I care about that? Of course not. I do not care about others’ opinions. After all, other peoples’ thoughts, feelings, and even words cannot hurt me. Why? Because it is me who decides whether others’ words can harm me anyhow.