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Within the last few days, I do not associate “slumbering” with one of the most fabulous Beatles songs, “Golden Slumbers.”

Adam Mazek Photography 2021. Warsaw Street Photography. Post: "Slumbering." Minimalism.

I do associate the word “slumbering” with what it actually is. Do I nap often? It depends on many things. For some people, my amounts of slumbers would be low, and for others, high. I take two naps weekly, usually in the middle of the week. Undoubtedly, during the autumn and winter period, I take snoozes more frequently. I believe it is connected to the lack of sun. Of course, taking naps in the afternoon (I do not have to mention I do it always after my office job) is also connected with my professional career. I must admit that I put energy into it. Still, I cannot imagine writing, doing street photography, or preparing subsequent “Diaries” editions or sets of pictures like “Negation of the End” or “Birds.”

That’s why I take naps sometimes. I do it to cope with all the activities mentioned above and many more.

I could not imagine my life without taking a nap. Throughout my life, I’ve heard many theories regarding taking a nap. Indeed, until today (I wrote this text on the 24th of November, 2022), I still do not know which theory is proper. For me, quite efficiently works the idea that even closing one’s eyes for twenty minutes is the right amount of time devoted to slumber. After doing it, I feel that my natural batteries are recharged to finish my day with energy. I do it, for example, by writing or by exposing my body to cold by walking in frigid temperatures. Yesterday, for instance, I took a walk. Today, I have a break regarding walking, and tomorrow, I will do it once again. I mean, I will take a nap and walk in summer clothes in frigid temperatures.

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