Sometimes I compare my artistic activity to reaching a top of a high mountain or taking space travel. I often dream of flying above our planet and watching our tiny Earth from o different perspective.
I know that all space travelers who had the luck to see the Earth from the very-above distance were amazed and delighted when they saw our planet from the very-above. And you know, what is most interesting regarding this activity? That Fyodor Dostoyevski correctly anticipated this kind of feeling. He described it in a short story, “The Dream of a Ridiculous Man.” Like the book’s main character, I often possess a desire to soar above our land and see life and all problems connected with it from a different perspective.
I want to use my writing and photography skills to rise to the heights, rise above all our gray mundaneness, and look at everything from a divine perspective.
In my imagination, photography is the tool that helps me to soar to the skies. Of course, I am aware that it is just the beginning of my intimate climbing to the peaks or traveling to space. I am getting ready for it by taking a lot of photographs. A very similar thing is with my pictures. You probably noticed, my Dear Friend, that I make many images of garbage, for example. I have already written one of the reasons why I do that. Please, click here to read this post.
Nevertheless, today, I will provide you with another idea. I want to give to the garbage, or clothes lying on the ground, some high and urgent tone. I want to transform our boring and mundane visible reality into the new, divine, uncanny, and peculiar dimension.
In both cases, I feel that it is only the beginning of my artistic journey. All-day, I think that I am starting from point zero. But, I will develop the last sentence in another post in the future.