I was writing this post on the 2nd of April 2019. The spring was knocking on our doors and windows here in Poland.
Do I love spring? Yes, like, probably 99% of all the people. I love the smell of this season. Trees and flowers are blossoming marvelously. Thanks to Daylight Saving Time, we have longer days and shorter nights. It is the time when the new spirit comes to all of us. This new spirit comes to us with a fresh, warm air that surrounds us in big cities and rural landscapes.
Are there any disadvantages of spring?
For me, as a street photographer, there are. First of all, during springtime, a lot of people come out of their homes. There are a lot of people everywhere. Every one of them wants to see blossoming trees and smell the spring. As you undoubtedly noticed, my Dear Friend, 90% of my images do not include humans. For me, staying focused while taking photographs on the streets when the neighborhoods are empty is much better. Also, when I see the right frame to be shot, people can prevent me from taking a single picture because this image would look better without people. The more people on the streets, the more distractions appear in my activity.
I think that it is the main disadvantage of spring. I do have to get used to a lot of passers-by once again.
As I already mentioned, spring is when new ideas come to mind. More daylight and sun provide us with a lot of vitamins and positive vibes, thanks to which we are starting to wonder what further we can do in our lives. While writing this post, I did not know when it would be published. I merely hope that new ideas will come to me regarding my passion between the time of writing and publishing. *
* Luckily, new ideas came to my mind: Diaries, Street Photography, or Ostensible Abstraction are one of them.