Every day, whether I write another post or go out to take more photos, I feel like I’m starting the whole artistic adventure from scratch. I have a feeling that with every photo-walk, I begin my artistic journey from the very beginning.
I feel that every time I go out to walk to capture new images, I am spiritually and intimately re-born once again. My inner world has to become alive, and its source is placed in my mind, soul, and heart. Of course, I am aware of all my previous artistic achievements. I know, and I remember my last photos and texts. Nevertheless, I always try to make the subsequent images and posts better. Is it perfectionism? Do I strive for perfection? Do I set goals for myself? Yes and no. The answer to these questions is no unambiguous. There is no straightforward answer here. I am aware of the fact that perfectionism does not exist. I have already written about it in my previous post.
Perfection is wearisome. That’s why I do not want to create perfect artwork.
On the other hand, as I mentioned in the first sentence of this post, I often envision that every day I start my creative journey from the very beginning. I feel like I’m a fresh newbie. Indeed, I play with art as a child plays with his toy soldiers or dolls.
Such visualization helps me. It makes me more determined to produce better and better photographs and texts. The more I am productive, the better the pictures I take. Every day I start from scratch, and want to produce better and better art does not mean that I want to create perfectionist art. But, paradoxically, I am moving towards perfection.
The key to success is to have good fun while creating new stuff. Also, telling your personal story via art creating makes your art a true masterpiece.
Nevertheless, I always try to remember that without real joy, we will not make real progress in our art while creating and without sincerity. What I genuinely recommend to you, my Dear Friend, is to focus on enjoyment while creating your pictures, drawings, texts, etc. One of the best ways to do that is to imagine that you start from scratch every day, like a kid. Undoubtedly you will not regret it.