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Street photography is like sculpting reality.

The more I take pictures on Warsaw’s streets, the more I realize street photography is like sculpting reality.

Adam Mazek Photography 2023. Warsaw Street Photography. Post: "Street photography is like sculpting reality." Minimalism.

Everything you see in my pictures, my Dear Friend, is not imagined or fake. I wrote this text on the 27th of February, 2023. It was a day when I was still waiting for the book about one of the most famous sculptors who ever stomped on this planet, the Polish woman Magdalena Abakanowicz. I want to learn her philosophy and artistic approach to many things. Still, even though I do not know much about her and her works of art, I have no doubts that I am also a sculptor of reality. Of course, the sculpture is a three-dimensional form made by carving in the material. Still, the more I do street photography, the more I see my pictures in three-dimensional. How do I envision it?

Simply put, my imagination plays a crucial role in this process.

I take a piece of reality by taking a photo of it. When I have this picture before my eyes, I imagine it in black and white. Then, I transform a piece of this image, in my imagination, into a sculpture that can appear in art galleries. While writing about all these things, I wondered whether I should create an application for mobile phones to do such things. I wrote it many times before and will repeat it: I love rocking in the clouds. In my vision, I see an application that can separate, project, and transform objects from photographs into 3-D projects. Then, we could print this project in 3-D print. Such a print could be suitable for creating an authentic sculpture.

Wait a minute. Wouldn’t it be easier for the sculptor to carve based on the object itself? Why should we photograph it first, edit it in your app, and then print it?

Undoubtedly, you could ask me, my Dear Friend. Of course, you would be right. Perhaps it would always be easy to sculpt by watching the real object. Still, I see this app as a storage of my photos where hundreds of Terra Bites would be stored to be able to sculpt something almost straight from the picture. Can I give you examples of images? For example, the ones that appeared in a set of photographs entitled “Inspired By Tolkien.” I imagine sculptors sculpting these pictures into artworks.

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