Today (I wrote this text on the 30th of May, 2023), I will write some thoughts about temporariness.
The truth is that everything, with humans’ lives at the forefront, is temporary and transient. The older I am, the more I see, feel, and know that nothing, from tiny flies to all humans, nations, planets, and galaxies, lasts forever. Thus, is it logical to worry all the time? Undoubtedly, no. I would say:
Do not worry. Everything is out of control. All will pass away.
I try not to worry too much when I have a lousy mood. On the other hand, when I feel euphoric in my mind, I try to remember that this ecstatic state will be temporary. That’s why stoic philosophy is good for me. I do not say that I am a stoic philosopher. Still, I try to be the one. Another stoic philosophic life hack is trying to imagine a worst-case scenario. While doing it, the final end of each scenario will be death (remember, my Dear Friend, about temporariness). That’s why, remembering that everything, with no exception, is temporary, do we have reasons to worry?
Of course, I know that grey and grim reality can sometimes overwhelm most of us.
I am not an exception. The truth is that I tend to worry sometimes about many aspects of my life. Still, while doing this, I always try to remember that there is nothing to worry about at all. I know it is easy to write about all these things and even easier to forget about them when we are upset or mad. Still, when the first negative emotions disappear, there is time for reflection. Today, I write my personal thoughts. Do not worry too much, my Dear Friend, because everything will vanish. On the other hand, we should all remember that worrying is nothing wrong. It is an inseparable part of human nature.