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The Big Bang Theory

What, if people, our planet, and the entire Universe should never have arisen? Moreover, what if The Bang Theory is real, but it happened due to someone’s negligence?

The Big Bang theory is a generally accepted theory about the creation of the Universe, but one thing puzzles me. I don’t believe that humans, the Earth, the Solar System, and our entire Universe started to exist by chance. Answering that the world arose out of chaos and is ruled by it ultimately does not satisfy me. For me, chaos is a general explanation for something that we simply cannot explain. Thus, thought for today: was The Big Bang an accident?

In the human world, we often associate an explosion with something experimental, destructive.

But, what if The Big Bang theory is correct and the exploding happened accidentally, unintentionally, by a simple mistake? Moreover, what if our Universe was never supposed to exist? Do I believe in what I write? Not completely. The fact is that I think that many of the laws that prevail in this world (including the laws of physics, mathematics, etc.) are neither coincidental nor accidental. Do I Believe in a Christian God? I do not know. I am not entirely convinced by the theory about the final account of a man for his good and bad offenses after his death. Following this lead, one might think that God is the Chief Accountant. His only interest is the proper accounting of each soul. Where’s the place for love?

On the other hand, where can we find love in The Big Bang Theory?

Indeed, is there something like love in the dark void named the Universe? Or, maybe this abstract feeling called “love” exists only in our hearts, and we are the only beings that can sense this feeling from other creatures? I do not have answers to all these questions. Furthermore, I suppose that no one will ever find them. All I have is doubt when we talk in terms of our existence and our place in Cosmos.

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