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The Big Picture

We often hear that we should see the big picture of one process to understand the given phenomenon entirely.

I heard tonnes of times talking about seeing the big picture of the processes both in school and in office work. Indeed, I fully agree that seeing the big picture of the operations can help us to know a lot of phenomena adequately. Also, understanding and seeing the big picture can help us solve many issues in our school, work, or even in our life.

Nevertheless, after reading Phaidon’s “Sun and Moon” book, I learned something new.

I realized that the lonely scene of the Universe, the void, dark emptiness of space with galaxies as dust is typical. Everything that surrounds me, in Warsaw, the richness of my neighborhood, is an exception. This fact encouraged me only more to take new pictures in my city. I know that millions of people daydream about getting to know remote galaxies, planets, etc. I am not an exception. The fact is that I would like to see the dark void of the Universe.

Nevertheless, it is our planet Earth, inhabitants who are live a probable exception in the whole Universe.

I believe that there is not a second city like Warsaw in the entire Galaxy. Who knows, maybe there are intelligent Aliens placed somewhere outside our Galaxy, million light-years from Earth, who would like to see other planets. Perhaps they would see the Earth with the same enthusiasm as humans would react to seeing their world. I know that I am daydreaming. I merely love to do it. For today, I know that the big picture for the entire Universe is a dark void. This void possesses galaxies looking like dust. Thus, knowing that my city is unique, I finish writing, and I will go to the subsequent photo walk to take pictures of my astonishing city.

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