Today I will describe how the last rescue from Earth could look like.
Whom do you want to rescue? Yourself? From what dangers do you want to save yourself?
Undoubtedly, you could ask me, my Dear Friend. I want to describe the last rescue of not me, but the humans’ civilization, from the end of the world. How could such a final return look like? The fact is that I love daydreaming. I was already doing it many times here on this website. Last time I imagined that maybe we, humans, were sent here by our own civilization. This civilization, which was close to extinction, was dying somewhere else on an entirely different planet. Maybe we already destroyed other celestial bodies (for us, it would be an exoplanet). Still, we managed to escape from the disaster. Thus, Earth would not be the first planet that people are inhabiting.
Sounds like a science-fiction movie?
I can imagine that we were already fighting for survival on other celestial bodies. Then, we sent to the uninhabited Earth a rocket (a kind of space spermatozoid), hoping that humans’ civilization would survive on another planet. The aim of the space rocket’s cosmic journey was to reach an exoplanet. Today we call this planet our home. The spaceship with last, hibernated survivors (maybe today we are naming them Gods?) landed on the carefully selected, friendly-to-live exoplanet that we call the Earth today?
But what is the definition of an exoplanet?
Exoplanets are celestial bodies that are orbiting around other stars. Will history come full circle, and will we also have to save ourselves by sending ourselves to another, the potentially possible-to-exist exoplanet? In this way, will we be able to keep the species? Wouldn’t we then become Gods for the newly born civilization? The only thing I know that it is another one of many other theories that could be possible. Such an idea would explain our eternal desire to conquer the cosmos and feel that we belong to the Universe. Indeed, we all are only cosmic dust.
I like science fiction. I love rocking in the clouds.