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The safe haven.

The older I am, the more I feel that one should not seek something similar to a safe haven.

We can seek a safe haven, e.g., in our professional careers. I suppose that many people dream of a secure job where everything is clear, known, and safe. I was not an exception. For years I was searching for a peaceful place where I could do my job. Did I find such a place? No. Am I angry because I did not find it? No, I am not mad. Contrary. I do not look for a peaceful job anymore. Today (I wrote this text on the 20th of June, 2022), I am looking for challenges in my accounting job. Undoubtedly, only new challenges, obstacles, adversities, and difficulties can strengthen us.

I wrote it before, but I want to stress it again today: for me, each walk when I do street photography, a subsequent cold shower, and exposing my body to frigid temperatures are activities that symbolically move away from me my safe haven.

The truth is that I never knew what would happen while taking pictures on Warsaw’s streets. While doing street photography, we must leave our comfort zone because sometimes we merely talk with strangers, and we never know who those people are. Getting out of our comfort zone is also each subsequent cold shower. The same is with walking in summer clothes in frigid temperatures. There is no space for a safe haven in all these activities. I do not seek comfort in my life anymore. I do not want to rest on my laurels. Obstacles are the only things that can help me to grow stronger. I encourage you, my Dear Friend, not to fear obstacles in your life. There won’t be a broadly understood development without adversities.

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