If the ancients had the secret knowledge that would surpass ours, they would send rockets into space.
Is that mean that societies of the past did not have secret knowledge? No, I am convinced that they had one. We never get to know the entire list of books burned during the fire in the Great Library of Alexandria (Egypt). It was one of the largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world. How sad my heart becomes when I start to wonder what tremendous collection of books were lost. Indeed, they were lost for humanity forever. Undoubtedly, there was a secret knowledge in these books that could help us, the people, develop faster and more efficiently. I believe that if the ancients’ level of knowledge were higher than ours, they would explore the universe in the same way as we do it.
Nevertheless, it is fascinating to read, for example, about alchemy, astrology, or magic and visualize and imagine how many things, events, occurrences people once tried to explain to themselves.
The development of science is a process. In this process, people try to explain something that they do not understand. Both alchemy and astrology (and many other esoteric things, like, e.g., occultism) are pseudo-sciences that try to provide us hints of how to live, contact with God or those who died, etc. Since the very beginning of their existence, humans have been attempting to solve the jigsaw puzzle surrounding us. It could be started from the prehistoric drawing of the Pleiades stars in the French cave in Lascaux. It was probably a kind of prayer to the stars for good hunting. Throughout the millenniums and centuries, the development of science is one of the tremendous things that humans made. Even if we sometimes were trapped in the so-called pseudo sciences, it is still a fantastic feeling to analyze of this process looked like.
Nevertheless, I do not believe that people from the past knew more than we do understand many things today. Without a doubt, they had their secret knowledge, but it was not on a higher level than today’s one.