Last time I had thoughts that for me, photographically, the uglier the places I photograph, the more beautiful pictures I take.
I wrote this post on the 30th of October, 2021, after strolling in the Odolany. Odolany is a part of Warsaw’s Wola district. I was wandering through, among others, railways, massive places where concrete is being produced, waste sorting plants, and homeless people’s shelters. Moreover, while walking, I saw many illegal garbage dumps. Is that all mean that I did not take exciting photographs? Contrary. While strolling there, I noticed many exciting places. It was a time when I realized, for not the first time in my life, that the uglier the places I photograph, the more beautiful pictures I take. Of course, in the case of my photos, beauty is a tremendously subjective issue.
Many people would say that pictures of garbages cannot be beautiful. I cannot agree with such a statement.
Moreover, it is one of the reasons why I do not try to please the general audience. By doing all these things you can spot here, on the website, I want to prove that we can find excellence and harmony everywhere. Even in the ugliest places, which people do not want to see. That’s how I want to find my creative and artistic niche.
I do not want to be famous. I want to be unique.
Sometimes I feel like a penetrator who walks by paths that are only known to a small number of people. This penetrator wants to present beauty in the most mundane places that we can see. Indeed, I believe that there are no wrong places to take images. There is only a photographer who cannot see beauty in his surroundings. How happy I am that I can walk in such weird sceneries and analyze the surroundings to seek beauty there. Undoubtedly, the uglier places I explore, the more beautiful photographs I take.
The photographs I published in this post are strictly from the photo walk I mentioned at the beginning of this post.