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The worst possible scenario.

When I have a problem or issue, I always try to imagine the worst possible scenario.

Adam Mazek Photography 2020. Warsaw Street Photography. Post: "The worst possible scenario." Minimalism.

I will begin writing this text with the final conclusion: the worst possible scenario of every problem we can occur, the difficulty we can face, or the issue to solve is death. Simply. That’s why we all should not worry too much about many topics. No matter what we will do in our lives, each scenario will lead us, sooner or later, to the final end.

Of course, I know it is easy to say, “Don’t worry, be happy.” Still, I believe that we all should stick to this theme. We should not worry because everything is practically out of our control whether we accept it. I would say that 99,99% of happenings are out of our control. The only things we can somehow control are what we think (but there can be obsessional ideas that prevent us from maintaining our thoughts 100%) and our doings within the next seconds and minutes.

We cannot fully control our activities within the next few hours because many scenarios can appear within this period.

That’s why I always try to remember the worst possible scenario when I have a crisis regarding solving some issues. No matter what I do, the final end sooner or later will appear. Of course, I want to live as long as possible in good health, shape, and mood. Still, it is impossible to be happy the whole time. I wrote this text on the 22nd of October, 2022. Did I have to face some challenges during that time? Of course, in my office job, I had. Still, from a more broad perspective, problems did not bother me. The worst possible scenario in each case is always the same. That’s why I want to encourage you, my Dear Friend, to not bother about your issues too much. Life’s too short to constantly worry about something.

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