The last time (I wrote the current text on the 1st of April, 2023), I noticed that I had different themed periods on the website. What are these various periods?
I would divide themed periods into street photography, intermittent fasting, writing, exposing the body to cold, working out, and reading books. I’ve already written a text entitled “Fluctuations.” I wrote there that fluctuations are an inevitable part of people’s lives. In my post, I provided an example regarding my weight. Today, I will focus on variations regarding the themes I write. Undoubtedly, the core of my writing is connected with broadly defined art, with street photography at the forefront. Still, it does not prevent me from writing about other themes. Since December 2020, I have been practicing intermittent fasting.
Speaking shortly: I eat between 7 p.m. and 12 p.m. I avoid eating as much processed food as possible.
What do I eat? I focus on eating meat, eggs, nuts, and vegetables. I wrote many posts about writing, my inspiration, my incentives, and my creative process. This text is not an exception. I write words straight out of my mind based on one phrase I wrote earlier. I name my free thoughts simply “inspiration.” The core of exposing my body to cold is taking cold showers and walking in summer clothes in frigid temperatures. Regarding working out, I wrote that I swam regularly for seven years.
Moreover, within all years of my life, I had injuries and was also doing push-ups and stretching muscles.
In my last texts, I focused on reading books, with books about art at the forefront. Speaking shortly: I cannot imagine my life without nourishing my mind and imagination by reading, analyzing, and contemplating books. While writing all these things, I was reminded that the war in Ukraine dominated my blog during the first months after the war began. Today, I wanted to highlight themed periods on my blog in the current text. I wonder what themes will dominate my blog in the future.