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Thought I’d something more to say.

The lyrics of the famous Pink Floyd song “Time” often echoes in my mind.

The time is gone

The song is over

I thought I’d something more to say.

Did Pink Floyd open my eyes regarding possessing a limit of time in my life? No, it was Seneca who did it. Nevertheless, Pink Floyd reminded me that we all have limited time to exist in this world. I often wonder how many published photographs, texts, editions of “Diaries” I will leave for posterity. In 2017 I realized that I do not have much time if I want to leave something for others. Thus, I must start to work hard to become one of the most prolific photographers ever. It was a time when I was already 32 years old. I realized that I must hurry not to lose my precious time and start creating something that inspires future generations.

People tend to forget about the fact that they have a limited time to live. Most people live daily without deep thoughts regarding their existence.

They prefer to focus on money earning, day-to-day activities, and holidays. Moreover, most people do not think about time as a critical value. They spend their time without any deep thoughts about their existence. Often, they waste their time. I am no like most people. Seneca and Pink Floyd made me aware that we cannot wait for external factors to create precious art.

There will never be a better day to implement your plans than today.

If you possess ideas regarding making new things, do not wait for months or years to do it. Today is the day, and do not let the mundane reality closed your eyes to many broadly defined aspects of your life. Please open your eyes and start creating, my Dear Friend. After reading this post, I realized that I made repetition because I already wrote similar things in the past. I thought I’d something more to say.

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