I see some dangers on my timeline regarding publishing posts. They are not connected with deadlines.
Sometimes I am concerned that I publish my posts with a longer and longer delay after writing them, resulting in inaccuracies and inconsistencies in my content from a chronological timeline. I hope that my timeline will be consistent. Still, if someone ever detects any anomalies, I blame it on publishing previously written posts with a long delay.
About how long delay we talk about? I will give you an example with this particular post.
The truth is that I wrote this text on the 9th of May, 2021. I had one hundred and five added and scheduled posts to my website in advance for that day. Thus, the last one from 105 posts will appear on the www.adammazek.com website approximately on the 1st of January, 2022. As we can see, I have more than one hundred scheduled posts in advance in a timeline of more than 6 months. But, the best is yet to come! This text is my 760th written for the www.adammazek.com website. The post scheduled for the 1st of January, 2022, is text number 699. What does it mean? It means that on the 9th of May, 2021, I had subsequent 61 posts written in advance for my website, starting from the 1st of January, 2022.
Furthermore, I want to stress that I add approximately 3 posts per week.
If we simplify by assuming that the month consists of four and a half weeks, we notice that I have texts for almost the beginning of May 2022! It means that during May 2021, I already have so many written texts that I would not have to write for an additional year, and I still have the content ready to be published! I hope you know, my Dear Friend, why I am afraid that chronological anomalies in my posts on my timeline can appear. I try to be consistent while writing all my posts, hoping that I will not make a chronological mistake. Still, there is always the possibility that some chronological inaccuracies can appear.