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Too tired to write.

Sometimes, I am too tired to write something profound.

I started writing this text on the 21st of November, 2022, at 11:47 p.m. It was a busy Monday at my office work. Later on, once I came back to my home, I had to sleep. When I woke up, I was still too tired to write. I thought about going outside to expose my body to cold (it was 1 degree Celsius [33,8 degrees Fahrenheit]). Still, I felt I should stay on the couch. I am only human. I also have lazy days.

The truth is that I do not have to be prolific every day.

I have the right to be too tired to write anything. Of course, intermittent fasting, exposing my body to coldness by taking cold showers, and walking wearing summer clothes in frigid temperatures improved my general health and well-being. Still, I can have better days regarding broadly defined creation or activity. I am not perfect.

Moreover, we all will be imperfect until the end of this world.

For me, it is a beautiful phenomenon. I cannot be entirely motivated to create each day. Or I cannot be entirely motivated to be active each day. I write all things thinking that I am too tired to write. Do I force myself to do it? Today, yes, I do it. I plan to write one post daily until the end of 2022. Later on, I will stop doing it. I enslaved and fixated myself on writing one text daily. Did I become a victim of my own artistic productivity? Yes, it already happened. It is tough to cope with working full-time and creating new things. I do not write it is impossible to do it. Still, it is a challenging task. Ok, I will finish writing this text. I must go to sleep.

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