Today (I wrote this text on the 25th of January, 2024), I will explain how one’s mind can be tricky.
The truth is that the state of our mind and well-being depends only on ourselves. I repeat: not external circumstances can make you feel sad, my Dear Friend, but your tricky mind. I believe that overthinking and imagining the future and memories of the past can depress a person. However, is there any point in thinking about them? Is it relevant? After all, only the present moment can really oppress us. Also, it can happen only if our tricky mind allows it to. Are there any ways to tame and calm down our minds so that they will be stable even during the most stressful and dangerous situations?
I think exercising, fasting, exposing one’s body to cold, contemplating/meditating, and creating are some of the best ways to tame our mind. Still, I do not believe some superhumans would be resistant to every danger we can imagine. I wish I could be wrong, and there were people who, even while facing their death, were still silent as if nothing spectacular would happen to them. I want to be one of them. I desire to be a stoic philosopher who can resist each danger he can face. I want to tame my tricky mind.
I am thirty-eight years old.
I am convinced there is much to do to tame and calm my mind. I do it frequently, e.g., while walking in summer clothes in frigid temperatures or by fasting (last time, I did not eat for 72 hours; I drank only water, coffee, and tea). I have no doubts that the key to overcoming my mind is not to get used too much to comfort but to seek out inconvenience and get out of one’s comfort zone as frequently as possible. The more I do it, the higher my chances are that I will be closer to becoming a demigod. Still, I know it is impossible to do it.