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Walking at -7 degrees Celsius (19,4 degrees Fahrenheit).

Yesterday (I wrote this text on the 14th of December, 2022), I was walking at -7 degrees Celsius (19,4 degrees Fahrenheit). Did I enjoy it?

Adam Mazek Photography 2023. Warsaw Street Photography. Post: "Walking at -7 degrees Celsius (19,4 degrees Fahrenheit)." Minimalism.

Yes, I enjoyed it much. The funniest thing is that I did not feel cold as much as a few days earlier while walking in blizzards and snowstorms and when it was -3 degrees Celsius (26,6 degrees Fahrenheit). I believe that freezing wind and snow with ice falling from the sky increase the possibility of feeling cold. Moreover, the more I walk in summer clothes in frigid temperatures, the more I realize that the more I am rested, the better I stand cold. I must admit that I was afraid of walking in summer clothes at -7 degrees Celsius because I did not walk at such temperatures during the Fall/Winter of 2022/2023. I paid a lot of respect to this frigid cold. That’s why I took a 30-minute nap before leaving my house.

I knew my body would be much more cold-resistant when I did it. I may take naps more frequently before walking in frigid temperatures.

While writing all these things, I checked what the weather should be like within the next few days. It should be even -10 degrees Celsius (14 degrees Fahrenheit). I would like to know if I will manage to walk in such weather, for example, for two hours while doing street photography. Perhaps I won’t manage to do it. Still, I do not want to resign before trying. Ok, I will stop writing this text. I must take a rest. I will take a cold shower and go to sleep one hour after doing so. Did I mention that within the last few days, I changed the hours of taking a freezing shower from morning to evening? I did it because of blizzards and snowstorms that can prevent me from going to my office work in the morning.

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