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I do not want to live in warm countries.

The older I live, the more I feel I do not want to live in warm countries.

Throughout many years of living in Poland, I heard from Poles that they wish they could live in warm countries. Many of them talked about Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Tunisia, Egypt, and Turkey. They were sad and regretted that it is much colder in Poland than in the countries mentioned above. I partially agreed with them. For many years I also thought there could be more warm and long days in Poland. Still, I was always trying to find advantages in cold winter. I think the opposite today (I wrote this text on the 8th of May, 2022). Speaking shortly: I do not want to live in warm places.

I bless Poland for its climate.

The truth is that I have here everything I need to live healthy and happily. I predict that due to global warming, more and more people will want to go north to live in colder places within the following decades. I hope to stay here in Poland and enjoy all seasons until death. Since I started taking cold showers regularly (April 2021) and exposing my body to cold temperatures by wearing the t-shirt in frigid temperatures (fall/winter 2021/2022), I cannot imagine living in warm countries where the sun is burning skin for many months every year.

In coldness, I trust.

Thanks to exposing my body to cold, I feel younger and better. Moreover, my mind works more efficiently. I can clearly focus my mind. Undoubtedly, also intermittent fasting helped me to do it. I do not want to be a lazy guy drinking alcohol and sitting in the shadow on a hot day without energy. Having the possibility to walk in the cold, to wash in the cold, is one of the most astonishing and probably underrated things that humans can do for themselves. Ok, I finish this writing. I will take a freezing shower. How happy I am that I do not live in any of the warm countries.

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