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Wearing t-shirts.

Today I will provide some thoughts regarding wearing t-shirts.

Some wear T-shirts with photos, works, likenesses, or slogans of characters such as Jim Morrison, Axl Rose, Salvador Dali, Chopin, Kurt Cobain, and Karl Lagerfeld. From the 24th of August, 2021, I wear T-shirts with the name of my website and which include my photos. Of course, it’s only a matter of time before I show up wearing a T-shirt with my own selfie on it. Do I expect from others that they will be wearing my t-shirts? Of course, not. I designed and purchased my t-shirts because I became a walking advertisement for my creative activity. The t-shirts are my workwear. Still, the truth is that after buying the first fifteen projects of t-shirts, three persons chose to buy from me some fashion designs. It is a moment when I should, perhaps, write that fashion became my passion. Or, maybe the better slogan would be like this: 

Passion is my fashion.

Today I want to stress my other thoughts. Since I started to wear my own t-shirts, I wondered why other people did not do similar things. Of course, one of the answers is that they do not do that because they do not have their own website and do not create anything (photographs, paintings, drawings), etc. Still, many people produce something unique, memorable, worth seeing. Unfortunately, they prefer to wear t-shirts with Amy Winehouse, Marylin Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Tupac Shakur, Freddie Mercury, or Immanuel Kant. Many people create something outstanding, but they do not have enough boldness to advertise their works on t-shirts.

In this post, I want to encourage you, my Dear Friend, to start producing t-shirts with your works. To do it, I recommend the brand. Believe me, my Dear Friend, that wearing t-shirts with your works of art is the best thing you can do for yourself. Do not be afraid of other peoples’ comments. Be brave and bold. Show on your chest what marvelous works you have for other humans. 

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