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What do I want to do in my life?

I often wondered how to answer the question: what do I want to do in my life?

I am convinced that you also, my Dear Friend, ask this question frequently to yourself. The answer to this inquiry is not easy. Undoubtedly, it will be different for each of us. Nevertheless, there is one clue I can give you in this matter. I won’t provide you any solution, but perhaps my hint will help you to find your own path of life. So what should we do to find a sense of all our activities?

I recommend starting to ask yourself what you don’t want to do in your life.

In this way, you will begin to reduce unnecessary activities. The answer to a titled question will slowly start to appear. With time, it will begin to clear in your head. In this way, I came to the fact that I do not want, e.g., to wake up after an alcohol libation. Instead, I want to get up in the morning, write a text on the page and then go (preferably with my beloved Kamilka) for a walk and take pictures. Start asking yourself what you do not want to do in your life. Reduce as many unnecessary activities as possible, which you do want to do. Then, the final answer should appear in your mind, sooner than you expected.

This is how I discovered that taking photos on the streets of Warsaw, running this blog, or writing texts, became one of my biggest, lifelong aims in my life.

In the end, I want to add that there is probably one common point regarding what most of us want to do in our life. We want to be encircled by beloved people, whom we love, and who love us. I wish you, my Dear Friend, to find a beloved person with whom you will spend the rest of your life. I already found my beloved Kamilka.

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