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What’s that all about?

Undoubtedly, many people ask themselves questions like “What’s that all about?” while seeing me dressed in the t-shirt and taking pictures on Warsaw’s streets.

Adam Mazek Photography 2020. Warsaw Street Photography. Post: "What's that all about?" Minimalism.

Last time (I wrote this text on the 14th of February, 2023), when I was doing street photography, a young son asked his mom to see me dressed in summer clothes while it was 5 degrees Celsius (41 degrees Fahrenheit) the title question. Mom answered her son:

I do not know.

How did I know they were talking about me? The young man pointed at me, and they were both staring at me with amazement in their eyes. I wore the t-shirt, shorts, winter cap, gloves, and sneakers. While writing about all these things, I realized that the woman did not have to know what that was all about. Indeed, I am also the one who often does not know many things happening around me. How happy I am I do not have knowledge about everything. I’ve already written a text entitled “I don’t know,” stating similar conclusions. Still, regarding exposing my body to cold, I know why I do it. I have an answer for the kid asking his mum, “What’s that all about?”

I expose my body to cold by taking freezing showers and walking in summer clothes in frigid temperatures because:

1) It improves my mood. I feel better.
2) It strengthens my immune system. I do not have a cold.
3) I have much more energy than before. The truth is I did not know I could have more power.
4) I sleep better (putting aside stressful issues at work. Still, I’d already written that working out, intermittent fasting, and exposing the body to cold won’t solve all our problems.) The truth is I did not know I could sleep better.
5) In general, it improves my well-being.

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