Since the very beginning of my life, I remember that I loved to walk a lot.
Undoubtedly, it is the success of my parents who were constantly taking me for a walk, whether I was a child, teenager, or, like today, an adult person. Walkings with my parents was a magnificent time spent together. Whether these were walkings in my hometowns, Malkinia Gorna and later Brok, this activity provided a lot of pleasure to our whole family. Walking is excellent both for our mental and physical health. For me, walking is practically equal to living. I cannot imagine life without moving from point A
to point B by foot. I must admit that I regret that there many people who cannot walk. I have no doubt if I could not walk, some part of my soul would have died.
Regarding street photography, taking photos on the streets inseparable connect with walking.
Without wandering, there is not street photography. I walk a lot because while doing it, I feel that endorphins are pulsating with my blood. Usually, when I mix my passion for taking photos and walking, I do not have a specific aim for my stroll. It is not the goal of my wanderings that count but walking in itself. I love to walk not only with my parents but also with my beloved Kamilka. Chatting while common wandering is one of the most relaxing activities I can imagine.
Moreover, I walk a lot because I sit a lot. Working in the office force me to spend almost eight hours five days a week sitting. Thus, once I get out of the office, I feel an enormous desire to walk, to move my legs and feet. I was regularly swimming between 2011 and 2018. I finished doing this because it started for me to be too dull. Today, walking, contemplating, and taking photos all these activities provide me a lot of amusement. I do not know when (if ever!) they will bore me.
I wrote this text on the 13th of May, 2021.