Sometimes I think of whether photography could bring some injuries to the photographer. It appears it does.
When I was writing this post, it was the 17 of July 2019. Starting from the beginning of July, I noticed that my right-hand wrist hurts me practically when I go out and take some shots on the streets. This pain did not appear due to clicking the laptop’s mouse because the pain has worsened in the last few days after each photo walk. Undoubtedly you could say, my Dear Friend:
How can you walk through the streets of Warsaw, and your wrist hurts you the most?
Well, I would reply that since October 2015, when I go out and take photographs, I constantly roll my camera belt around my wrist. Which camera do I use? It is Nikon D90, and it is pretty heavy equipment. Is it the first injury in my life? Of course not. I already mentioned in one of my previous posts that in 2011, I had an injury. I received the hematoma of Achilles while playing football. The same damage reappeared once again in my life in 2015. Also, since 2015, I have had constant back pain. Am I getting old, and my body is slowly getting weaker? Yes. The only thing I can do is go to the doctor. Or, I can do sports to make the whole process slower.
What are the other conclusions?
First, I know I would not be a cowboy in the XIX century Wild West. If my wrist hurts, I cannot hold a heavy gun for long. Secondly, ergonomics is essential not only in the office (proper sitting in front of the monitor) or on the construction site (adequate lifting of heavy objects) but also in passion. Take care of yourself, my dear friend. Beware of how you hold the camera in your hand. Pain can appear in almost every unexpected part of our bodies, even in the wrist, after regular photographing. This post was published on the 4 of January 2020. Did anything change since I received wrist pain in July 2019? Yes. I started to hold the camera in my left hand.