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A Photographic Odyssey.

Whenever I think about my creative passion, I see myself exploring new worlds in a Photographic Odyssey.

Does that mean I discover new territories the same way as Sir Wally Herbert was exploring Antarctica or the Arctic Ocean? Not necessarily. I do not travel as much as other people. From the geographic and topographic point of view, I focus mainly on the biggest city in Poland in my Photographic Odyssey. Still, I do not consider my exploration only in terms of exploring Warsaw. For me, a Photographic Odyssey is my way of life. I want to examine not only Warsaw but also my creative powers.

The older I am, the more I feel that I have enough force to create more and more new things. Photographs, texts, subsequent editions of „Diaries” and collections of pictures like „Negation of the End” or „Death” all these things are steps forward in my artistic journey that I can call „A Photographic Odyssey.” I have no doubts that there many fantastic, joyous adventures throughout my journey.

One of the episodes can be, for example:

– attending the photography school between 2016 – 2018;
– my first photography exhibition on the 14th of June, 2018;
– my second photography exhibition that took place on the 10th of May, 2019;
– creating and managing the website;
– meeting new people thanks to photography;
– refreshing old friendships with good old friends (I will write more about it in the nearest future).

While writing all these things, I only reconfirm that I am right that my adventure with my photographic passion is one long Odyssey, full of extraordinary happenings. How lucky I am that I discovered for myself photography, writing texts, and managing my website. I wish you, my Dear Friend, to find out for yourself your own passion, joy, thanks to which you will also have a long journey full of joyous adventures.



I wrote this text on the 2nd of August, 2021.

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