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Bad news

We all do not like bad news. We think that such news brings us misfortune in its substance.

I am not an exception. When I hear bad news, I often start to worry, get angry and sad. Luckily, I am not the person who panics when he is in dire straits. My idea for today regarding sad news is this:

we should always try to transform lousy news in our minds and try to spot the positive things.

Yes, I am aware that this tip sounds trivial. Nevertheless, it is the most efficient way to cope with sad things that can happen in our life. Maybe I will provide you, my Dear Friend, with one example from my experience. I already mentioned in one of my previous posts that in 2011 I had an injury. I received the hematoma of Achilles while playing football. My first thoughts after diagnosis (which sounded like “You should rest and sit at home for the next three months.”) were something like this:

“Oh, God! I will be sitting in the house unproductively. I will lose my job. What is worse, I will gain weight, and I will not be able to reduce it until the end of my life!”

Yes, when we hear bad news, we often think that the worst nightmares will come alive in our life. Now, after seven years after this injury, I see only advantages of this happening, that is:
– While recovering, I started to read regularly. In general, this activity runs on till today;
– I lost my weight (from 99 kg [~218 pounds] to 76 kilograms [~168 pounds]);
– after recovering, I started to swim regularly for approximately seven years!

Oh, and by the way: my employer did not fire me. I was able to work remotely, so both sides were content with such a solution.
Now I hope you see, my Dear Guest, that the bad news does not have to be necessarily bad. Believe me, that it is only up to us, of how we cope with them. Remember: if you do not see any advantages of bad news, do not panic. There is a high possibility that unexpected benefits of the bad news will appear sooner than you think.

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