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Competition never sleeps.

We often hear that competition never sleeps. What does it mean for me, regarding my photographic passion? It means that I have to sleep a lot.

Also, it means that if I want to possess a competitive advantage, I should regularly take naps. Sleep is the most essential activity which we should do, to remain active and artistically prolific. The fact that competition never sleeps does not mean that you should stay long and work on your computer, or do whatever to be better than your competitors. No. You should always possess a regular, healthy, long sleep to be more creatively prolific than your competitors. It is their problem, and they have to be unlucky if they do not sleep well enough.

One more thing: did I mention why I do not treat other photographers, writers, self-publishers as competitors?

If no, you can read my post from the past. I mentioned there that photography is such a universal, expanding tool, that only our imagination is the limit, regarding the whole process of taking photos. Thus, all photographers can make thousands of astonishing pictures, and still, they do not have competitors for each other. For me, photography is a real joy. All other artists, self-publishers, or photographers are like kids in the playground for me. They are partners with whom I can share my thoughts and ideas. Or, I can take insights from other people. I do not treat them as competitors because they are not such ones for me. Thus, I believe that we all should get proper sleep to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

But what if someone insists that he/she is a competitor for your and he/she does not sleep to be better than you? Behave quite the opposite. Take a good rest, relax, and enjoy your healthy sleep because, without it, you will not get far. I wish you, my Dear Friend, not to be as hardworking as your competitors. Be smarter. Simply.

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