We all are humans. We all have doubts regarding many things, including faith. To err is human.
Ordinary peoples’ doubts in faith, in a masterly way, described Fyodor Dostoyevski in his last novel “Karamazov Brothers.” This book is widely considered the most outstanding work of the Russian master. For me, “Karamazov Brothers” is indeed one of the most compelling novels written by a famous Russian writer. This masterpiece is an astonishing way to show and describe, among others, people’s doubts about faith.
Warning! The next part of this post is a spoiler!
In the plot, the reader is waiting for a religious miracle. Nevertheless, we, as readers waiting for the spiritual wonder, will be in a painfully terrestrial (and not heavenly) way disappointed. The miracle will not happen in the plot. The story of a father, Zosima, who was considered to be a saint during his lifetime, can be seen as how people were disappointed in not having experienced a religious miracle. Father’s Zosima cadaver was supposed not to decay and to give heavenly scents after death. It did not happen.
Human despair in faith in God reaches every man throughout his whole life. The mundane reality of this world makes us even start to have doubts about the meaning of life.
Nevertheless, the fact is that inexplicable, hard-to-describe sense inspired me to create art. It gave me a real sense of life. I want to inspire others to reinterpret the mundane reality that surrounds them. Also, I would like to encourage others to try to find an elusive miracle by creating art. Transforming reality through the prism of our experiences is one of the best ways to heal our souls. Our life, as in the book of the Brothers Karamazov, does not abound in spectacular wonders. No wonder that we often lose faith and possess doubts in many aspects of our existence.
Nevertheless, what I want to stress is the fact that life itself is a miracle.
We should always remember that. Even those bitter and desperate, we should enjoy the moments because even the sharp pain has its meaning. Do not forget that pain makes us stronger. Also, it is a wonder that we have the opportunity to experience suffering and sadness. We bitterly feel that we are alive with the whole doubts in ourselves and surrounding us world. Thanks to possessing doubts, we are starting to seek the answers. Thus, we are beginning to develop. Remember, my Dear Friend, that owning doubts is the first step forward in your life.