The older I am, the more I feel and see that happiness is a choice.
I do not see that happiness is a warm gun, as John Lennon sang in one of the most tremendous songs by the Beatles. Also, I do not believe the state of happiness depends on something external. Believe me or not, my Dear Friend, happiness is a choice. Whether we feel happy depends only on us, no one else. Tricky? Perhaps it is difficult to understand. I am still trying to convince myself the title of this post is accurate. Still, what prevents us from being happy?
Weather? Misfortune? Lack of money? Love problems? Boredom?
I can imagine the most powerful-in-mind stoic philosophers who were delighted because they simply existed. Does it mean I am constantly happy and smiling? No. Like all other humans, I also have my own moments of weakness. I also have a lousy mood and moments when I do not feel well. Sometimes, I sing to myself:
All I have is doubt.
Of course, I sing it to the Beatles’ song, “All You Need Is Love.” When I am not happy, and when I feel worse, I try to ask myself: what makes me feel awful? Is it something external, or am I the one who does it? Practically always, the answer becomes clear. It is only me who has an influence on how I feel, not anybody else. In today’s post (I wrote it on the 15th of January, 2024), I want to encourage you, my Dear Friend, to remember that happiness is a choice. What makes you feel sad? Undoubtedly, firstly, you will find many external reasons. Still, when you deep dive into yourself and your mind, you will find the apparent answer: your mood depends only on you. It is you who makes decisions and how you react to external happenings.